Green Kleen
“Green-Kleen” is a versatile and economical concentrate that meets the demand for economy with quality. It contains the same high quality cleaning ingredients as regular industrial household “Magic Glass”, so when you dilute 6 to 1, you can be certain of excellent results on windows and all other recommended surfaces. The brilliant green color makes rapid identity.
“Green-Kleen” is also an economical and versatile cleaner that meets the demands of cleaning windows in sub-zero weather. “Green-Kleen” can be used straight in sub-zero weather or it can be diluted for above freezing weather.
0ºF Or below Use without dilution
25ºF to 0ºF Dilute with 1 part water
32ºF to 25ºF Dilute with 2 parts water
32ºF and over Dilute with 7 parts water
Also, available in drums.
Please call (800-888-6133) or email for pricing.